Sunday, March 21, 2010

Travel Writing

I have decided to take a travel writing class. I am excited and hope to expand my knowledge and my writing skills. Travel is one of my greatest joys. I am never happier than when I am exploring new places and meeting new people; learning all I can about the world and its cultures.

Monday, March 1, 2010


OK, the fun of the Olympics is behind us and I am now mired in tax crap. I actually finished our taxes yesterday and am simply trying to print a copy of last years 1040. I spent two hours yesterday on a chat with Turbo Tax. Silly me, I thought all I had to do was come home tonight and download Turbo Tax 2008. Oh no, I must have been brain dead. I have now been on hold for the past 45 minutes waiting to get this working. Arrrrrgggg!!!!!!!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

More Olympics

Chicken wings and chips and guacamole at the ready for the U.S. v Canada hockey game. And then the closing ceremonies. Gonna be a great afternoon.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

The Olympics

Here we are at the last weekend of the Olympics. I'm exhausted; I have gotten very little sleep in the last two weeks. I can't seem to turn off the television as long as NBC is showing any events. I have thoroughly enjoyed all of it, but I will be glad to get back to a decent sleep schedule.